Example - The Basics


To initialise the radio you create a context:

from RFM69 import Radio, FREQ_433MHZ

this_node_id = 1
with Radio(FREQ_433MHZ, this_node_id) as radio:
    ... your code here ...

This ensures that the necessary clean-up code is executed when you exit the context.


Frequency selection: FREQ_315MHZ, FREQ_433MHZ, FREQ_868MHZ or FREQ_915MHZ. Select the band appropriate to the radio you have.

Simple Transceiver

from RFM69 import Radio
import datetime
import time
from config import *

node_id = 1
network_id = 100
recipient_id = 2

with Radio(FREQUENCY, node_id, network_id, isHighPower=True, verbose=True, interruptPin=INTERRUPT_PIN, resetPin=RESET_PIN, spiDevice=SPI_DEVICE) as radio:
    print ("Starting loop...")
    rx_counter = 0
    tx_counter = 0

    while True:
        # Every 10 seconds get packets
        if rx_counter > 10:
            rx_counter = 0
            # Process packets
            for packet in radio.get_packets():
                print (packet)

        # Every 5 seconds send a message
        if tx_counter > 5:

            # Send
            print ("Sending")
            if radio.send(2, "TEST", attempts=3, waitTime=100):
                print ("Acknowledgement received")
                print ("No Acknowledgement")

        print("Listening...", len(radio.packets), radio.mode_name)
        delay = 0.5
        rx_counter += delay
        tx_counter += delay